Divine Enigma
At Divine Enigma, we're here to explore the wonders of neurodiversity amid busy corporate life and career dreams. Our platform is like a cosy sanctuary where everyone - whether you're a professional or an entrepreneur - can join in uplifting conversations. From simple tips for managing projects to self-care practices that work, we're all about helping you grow in your career journey. Picture us as your friendly guide through the twists and turns of corporate life, offering a holistic approach perfect for neurodiverse folks to not only get by but to truly shine in their careers.
Divine Enigma
Black & Neurodivergent
Today's guest is the author of the book Black and Neurodiverse, Oluseyitan Ojedokun. Her book was partly inspired by some experiences growing up as a Nigerian. She realized there was inadequate information about blacks, so she decided to learn more about it and wrote a book.
Seyi's parents were quite accepting and supportive when she got her diagnosis. She was continuously reminded to maximize the resources available to her, boosting her academic performance. Sarah's parents were worried about the stigma that would come with struggling in school, so they adopted private classes to support her. Sarah was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADD in her twenties.
Seyi's academic life was affected by her neurodiversity. In primary school, she was often treated as a special needs kid, which affected her confidence. Her performance in secondary school improved when she moved to a school with more diversity and inclusivity among teachers.
Seyi's book was targeted at two groups of people, the first being African families with neurodiversity who shy from these conversations due to the stigma. The second group includes other educators who primarily interact with kids.
Seyi hopes to write a second book much later. Although she is now in the corporate world, she is working on a petition to get funding for schools to be equipped with resources to aid in the early diagnosis of neurodiversity.
Navigating dating with neurodiversity is another hurdle that requires much intentionality and tact. This is still an ongoing process for Seyi, but she would instead withdraw from people offended by her neurodiversity.
A membership platform is coming soon to provide people with Dyslexia and ADHD access to resources and experts to help them navigate work and life more efficiently.
● Get Seyi’s book
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Music: “She Royalty” by Amaro & “Whistle” by Lukas Got Lucky