Divine Enigma
At Divine Enigma, we're here to explore the wonders of neurodiversity amid busy corporate life and career dreams. Our platform is like a cosy sanctuary where everyone - whether you're a professional or an entrepreneur - can join in uplifting conversations. From simple tips for managing projects to self-care practices that work, we're all about helping you grow in your career journey. Picture us as your friendly guide through the twists and turns of corporate life, offering a holistic approach perfect for neurodiverse folks to not only get by but to truly shine in their careers.
Divine Enigma
Neurodivergent Black Women: Mapping the Corporate Ladder
Statistics from the Competition Market Authority (CMA) reflect this same issue. CMA revealed that people from ethnic minorities got twelve per cent less pay compared to white men. There were ten major findings highlighted. First, there are positive changes in some gaps, but challenges persist. Secondly, the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in senior grades is a primary cause of the pay gap. Next, actions are focused on improving representation, career progression, and inclusivity. Also, the report uses various meshes like mean and median pay gaps, bonus gaps, and pay equalities. The report acknowledges the impact of competition specialists, ranging from digital data and technology, on the pay gap. Also, ethnicity pay gaps have reduced in some areas but increased in others.
About Portfolio Careers: Portfolio Careers comes from a place of hustle culture. As Sarah plans to work less on the corporate ladder in 2024, she has initiated plans to create a portfolio career to enable her to maintain a 9-to-5. Portfolio Careers can also maximize income, dabble in the corporate world occasionally, and still build assets. They offer protection from any unforeseen events in a typical job.
However, having a typical 9-to-5 job is not necessarily bad, as there are positives, especially if the necessary support systems are present at the workplace. Also, it comes with less risk and pressure to see results in the business, unlike entrepreneurship. The time spent working these jobs can also be used to determine which entrepreneurship field would be the best fit.
Employers sometimes prefer workers who identify with their job role, but workers should try not to be defined by a job. They may possess other skills that they can tap into instead of simply identifying with one job role. Even for employers, embracing people with portfolio careers can help them to be more transparent. Besides, it is an extra source of income for most black professionals who are not paid enough, particularly to keep up with the cost of living.
A membership platform is coming soon to provide people with Dyslexia and ADHD access to resources and experts to help them navigate work and life more efficiently. A waitlist is currently available with discounts, and listeners can visit the links in the resources to get access.
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Music: “She Royalty” by Amaro & “Whistle” by Lukas Got Lucky