Divine Enigma
At Divine Enigma, we're here to explore the wonders of neurodiversity amid busy corporate life and career dreams. Our platform is like a cosy sanctuary where everyone - whether you're a professional or an entrepreneur - can join in uplifting conversations. From simple tips for managing projects to self-care practices that work, we're all about helping you grow in your career journey. Picture us as your friendly guide through the twists and turns of corporate life, offering a holistic approach perfect for neurodiverse folks to not only get by but to truly shine in their careers.
Divine Enigma
Dyslexia Demystified: Insights for Success
Our guest today, Arije-Aike De Haas, is a YouTuber who is also dyslexic and has reached over 3 million people through his occupational content for dyslexics. He initially wrote about Video Education for Dyslexics during his M.A. but kept going since he got feedback from people who wanted to know more. He was hesitant to help people initially because he was unsure; however, he pushed himself because he understood the impact it would have on them. He now offers coaching for dyslexic adults.
Right from when he started learning to read, Arije noticed his learning differed from that of his mates. He also had to be given special attention to aid his learning in school, which showed him that he was not like other kids. Eventually, he was diagnosed at a centre in Holland and had regular visits to learn the fundamentals of living with Dyslexia.
There are mental health issues linked to neurodiversity, one of which is Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD).
Arije offers tailored coaching to neurodiverse individuals, focusing on what has happened in their childhood.
Sarah and Arije are working on a workshop titled "How to manage your dyslexia.
Arije recommends that anyone struggling with Dyslexia visit his YouTube channel and also his website to get a one-on-one session, with the first session being free.
● Arije’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@UC65Mimz3oyWA8NtpO_zQBVQ
● Get a free one-on-one with Arije on his Website.
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● Visit Sarah’s website: https://divineenigma.org
● Join Sarah’s 6-week coaching: https://divineenigma.org/product/6-week-coaching-plan/
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● Workshop on How to manage your Dyslexia 20 March 2024 7 pm GMT
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Music: “She Royalty” by Amaro & “Whistle” by Lukas Got Lucky